Eun Cho is a South Korean interdisciplinary designer/artist who was born in Seoul, Korea in 1995. She lived most of her early life in Seoul and its vicinities. Eun traveled numerous times to different countries ever since she was 5 years old, which made her open to challenges. She was interested in arts and crafts when she was little, and she began to explore them by herself with such limited resources. At the age of 14, Eun and her family moved to Hudson, Ohio, which was a complete cultural, linguistic, and environmental change for her. Consequently, moving to the United States played a huge role in shaping her personality, cultural identity, and inspirations. After completing secondary school in Hudson, she moved to Chicago for college.
Eun took an advantage of the school’s interdisciplinary educational system by taking a variety of classes offered by the school, which allows her to create artworks with various materials and skills. Eventually, she settled her interest in the basic sense of touch and how it interacts in between the viewer and the artist in relation to her own identity. She gains inspiration from houses and their surroundings, especially traditional Korean houses, hanok, and geometrical patterns of hanok window lattices.
In 2017, she graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree. Because she moved around continuously throughout her life, she has lived in numerous places where she called, ‘home.’ Eun's ultimate goal is to find a place where she can feel, home, hoping to open her own gallery somewhere in this world.